WX7000 : Frequently Asked Questions

WX-7000 unit

Q1-1: Is it possible to set up without a computer ?
A1-1: Yes, all set up is possible in itself (WX-7000).

Q1-2: How many languages is it possible to use ?
A1-2: Two languages. It is possible to select English or Japanese.

Q1-3: Is it possible to save each setting conditions to WX-7000 ?
A1-3: It is possible to save only latest setting conditions. To save various setting condtions, it is necessary to save them on SD card.

Q1-4: Is there any in-vehicle adapter in WX-7000 ?
A1-4: Yes, but this accessory will be available on 3rd quarter of 2013.

Q1-5: Is there any remote-control in WX-7000 ?
A1-5: Yes, the simple remote control will be released in near future. This device can't display waveform. Windows-TabletPC is possible to do it.

Q1-6: Is it possible to input test signal?
A1-6: We will verify it in near future.

WX Navi

Q2-1: Is there any navigation software in WX-7000 ?
A2-1: Yes, there is WX Navi which is part of standard accessories of WX-7000.

Q2-2: Is WX Navi compatible with both 32bit OS and 64bit OS ?
A2-2: WX Navi was verified by windows 7 32bit/64bit with 1000BASE-T. So, the performance with multi channels and high band width is necessary to use high-specPC. The performance of windows XP generally seems to be old spec. It is necessary to verify it.

Q2-3: Is WX Navi compatible with windows XP ?
A2-3: Yes, because WX navi was developed on windowsXP 32bit(CPU Core i3 3.1GHz Memory 2Gbyte). But it is necessary to verify WX Navi on windows XP 64bit.

Q2-4: Q What is the maximum file capacity when the data is recorded by NTFS file format on PC?
A2-4: The file is divided by 4GB even though the data was recorded by NTFS file format. This is the specification of Wx-navi.

RDX (removable HDD)

Q3-1: Is it possible to record on RDX and SDcard at the same time ?
A3-1: No, it is impossible.

Q3-2: About RDX performance. Is the performance of SSD type superior to HDD type ?
A3-2: They will be same performance (sampling frequencies and bands, the number of channels, writing speed).

Q3-3: About data of RDX. Is it possible to delete the recorded data by one file ?
A3-3: No, it is impossible.

Q3-4: How about changing the number of recording channel ? (Is it possible to change of turning on/off by one channel) ?
A3-4: No, it is impossible to change it by one channel. Q3-5: Is it possible to stop cooling fans like a LX series? A3-5: Yes, it is possible to stop about 10minutes.

Q3-6: Is the data that was recorded by wx-7016 possible to playback on wx-7032 ? Is the data that was recorded by wx-7032 with 16 channels possible to playback on wx-7016 ?
A3-6: Yes, they are possible.

Data protection

Q1: How about data protection in momentary power outage ?
A1: Files are saved regularly, preventing data loss due to unexpected power interruptions.

Fail-safe Recording - Avoids data loss

Periodic File Close

WX-7000 closes the data file after every one minute while recording. Even if an unexpected or mistaken power outage happens during recording, all recorded data from one minute before power loss is saved and is available for review and replay. (file is not divided)

WX-7000: Data protection.

To improve more certainty for data protection, it is possible more surely to save data files with UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply).

If WX-7000 received the contact signal from UPS which detected the poweroutage, WX-7000 will carry out file closing automatically, and will stop recording.

Data format

Q1: What is data format ?
A1: The data format is TAFFmat.

TAFFmat (TEAC Data Acquisition File Format)

Consists from binary data file and text header file

WX-7000 stores recorded data as TAFFmat file which consists from binary data file and text header file. Binary data file contains law digital data and text header file contains attribute of data and recording conditions.

WX-7000: TAFFmat.

Well supported by several major analysis software

TAFFmat file is well known in test & measurement area. So several major analysis software support to read TAFFmat file.

Category Software Note
General DADiSP
Matlab Script file can be provided from TEAC
NVH LMS Test.Lab
B&K PULSE 16 bit only
Turbine Test EDAS SIGnal Workbench  

Various Analysis Software support our TAFFmat

EDAS SIGnal Workbench

WX-7000: EDAS SIGnal Workbench.

LMS Test.Lab

WX-7000: LMS Test.Lab.


WX-7000: B&K PULSE.


WX-7000: DADiSPE.


See the list